I'm currently doing the third year of my degree in cinema and TV at the communications faculty of the Universidad de Chile. In my first year at university I really liked the program that I had. Our main subject that year was focused on expanding our creativity and just play with the medium of movies. Also, we had the introductions of cinematography, sound design, editing and production design and two subjects that we shared with the journalism students that, unlike many of my classmates, I really enjoyed.

However, after the month of October things went sour. The social tensions that our country had caused that we couldn't finish the second semester properly, because we couldn't record our final short film, and after that, the coronavirus Outbreak happened before we could start the second year.

The limitations that this degree has had because of the social distancing and the remote classes is immeasurable. During the pandemic has been a lot of subjects that we couldn't take adequately because they require presencial interaction with the teachers and equipment that the faculty has.

I think it's crucial to change the curriculum for the two years left on my degree and add some kind of reinforcement of the subjects that we couldn't practice and learn during the pandemic. Also, I think it's really important to change the year when we course production. At this moment we have this subject in the second semester of the third year. I think it's better to have it in first or second year. I think is pretty illogical that we have to make a well produce short film on the second year with professional actors when we don’t know yet how to occupy the position of a producer.


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